Postkarte: Toronto Straßenbahnlinie 505 Dundas mit Gelenkwagen 4024nah Chinatown (1980)

Standort: Chinatown.
Archiv: Henrik Boye.
Herausgeber: The Postcard Factory.
Datum: 1980.
Stadt: Toronto (Kanada).

Das Bild zeigt

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
In Betrieb

505Toronto Straßenbahnlinie 505 Dundas: Dundas West Station - Broadview
In Betrieb

Toronto Gelenkwagen 4024, Fabrik Hawker Siddeley, Type ALRV, Baujahr 1987.



Toronto's Old City Hall was home to its city council from 1899 to 1966 and remains one of the city's most prominent structres. At the corner of Queen and Bay Streets, east of the new City Hall in the centre of down-town Toronto, the Old City Hall has a distinctive clock tower which can be seen the length of Bay Street from Front St. to Queen.

Postkarte: Toronto Straßenbahnlinie 505 Dundas mit Gelenkwagen 4024nah Chinatown (1980)

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. November 2024.