Postkarte: Christchurch Tramway line mit Triebwagen 11 auf Cathedral Square (2010)
Standort: Cathedral Square.
Archiv: Henrik Boye.
Fotograf: Bob McCree.
Herausgeber: Kiwi Vista Company.
Datum: 2010.
Stadt: Christchurch (Neuseeland).
Das Bild zeigt
Christchurch Tramway
In Betrieb
Christchurch Tramway line
In Betrieb
Christchurch Triebwagen 11 (ex Dunedin Triebwagen 11), Type The Boxcar, mit Werbung für 'Powered by Meridian Energy'.
Scenic Collection
Tram, Cathedral Square
The famous tramcars in operation today were alt, in fact, once abandoned. However, now rescued from decay and proudly restored to their former glory, the tradition of yesteryear lives on.

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